It is one day to the official beginning of the fall season, that's means it's time for the autumn colors and new fashion post. I recently had the opportunity to order this ELEGANT LAPEL BELTED WAISTCOAT from DRESSFO website.
I found this beautiful piece perfect for this transitional period from summer to fall.
I was pleasantly surprised with quality of this waistcoat. Color is perfect for fall season. I've ordered it in a larger size because I wanted to achieve oversize look.
This piece is amazing for every outfit, you can styled it with jeans, dresses, heels, boots, sneakers, etc. It's really goes with everything.
Today I decide to wear it with my old H&M dress and ankle boots.
Preostao je samo još jedan dan do zvaničnog, kalendarskog početka jeseni što znači da je vrijeme za nove modne kombinacije u jesenjim, tamnijim tonovima.
Nedavno sam imala priliku da naručim ovaj predivni MANTIL sa sajta DRESSFO . Djelovao mi je kao odlican komad za ovaj prelazni period sa ljeta na jesen.
Zaista sam se prijatno iznenadila kvalitetom ovog mantila, boja mi je odlična za jesen. Naručila sam ga u većem broju iz razloga što sam željela da postignem taj komforniji izgled. Ovaj mantil je odličan za svaki autfit, može se nositi sa farmerkama, haljinama, štiklama, čizmama, patikama...stvarno ide uz sve.
Ja sam danas odlučila da ga nosim sa svojom starom haljinom iz H&M-a i gležnjaricama.

I wore/ Nosila sam:
Dress/ Haljina H&M,
Ankle boots/ Gležnjarice Olip shoes shop Gradiška,
Bag/ Tašna Second hand shop,
Sunglasses from the local boutique/ Sunčane naočale iz lokalnog butika,
Choker necklace my design/ Ogrlica moja kreacija,
Watch/ Sat Avon,
Earrings/ Naušnice dm drogerie markt.
Dressfo is shopping website for women. They bring together inspiration and design to empower you to live ultimate urban lifestyle. The Dressfo team is delighted to offer each of their aspirational customers the very best in gorgeous design pieces direct from studio.
Make sure to visit this website HERE you 'll definitely find something interesting for yourself with very affordable prices.
Obavezno posjetite DRESSFO SAJT sigurno ćete pronaći nešto interesantno za sebe po veoma povoljnim cijenama.
I hope you liked my Dressfo review.
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