In today's fashion post I'm presenting you my new bag and earrings from Rosegal. Rosegal is one amazing online store with very affordable new and vintage fashion items. I suggest you to visit this store here I'm sure that you 'll find something nice for yourself as well.
U današnjem autfit postu ću vam predstaviti svoju novu tašnicu i naušnice koje sam nedavno poručila sa Rosegal sajta. Rosegal vam nudi i modernu i vintidž odjeću i modne dodatke po veoma pristupačnim cijenama. Predlažem da posjetite ovaj sajt ovdje uvjerena sam da ćete pronaći nešto za sebe.
All the details about this little bag you 'll find here . This bag come in four different colors and now is 51% off, how cool is that!
Sve detalje vezano za ovu tašnicu možete pogledati ovdje . Ono što je interesantno jeste da dolazi u četiri različite boje i sada je 51% snižena.

This beautiful white pearl earrings you can shop here and they are 42% off now.
Ove predivne naušnice možete kupiti ovdje i one su na sniženju 42%.
I wore/ Nosila sam:
Bag/ Tašna Rosegal
Earrings/ Naušnice Rosegal
Skirt/ Suknja Amadeus jeans,
Jacket not branded/ Jakna nije brendirana,
T-shirt / Majica Esprit,
Ankle boots/ Gležnjarice Minelli,
Necklace/ Ogrlica White pearl jewelry
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