
Bomber jacket

I wore/ Nosila sam:

Bomber jacket/ Jakna Azel France,
Dress/ Haljina Boutique Only Banja Luka,
Bag/ Tašnica X-Ray boutique Banja Luka,
Shoes/ Obuća Deichmann Banja Luka,
Bandana from the local boutique/ Marama iz lokalnog butika,
Sunglasses/ Sunčane naočale Ray Ban,
Earrings/ Naušnice Avon.


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Velvet top

I wore/ Nosila sam:

Velvet top & Jeans/ Plišani top, Farmerke Second hand shop,
T-shirt, Jacket, Sneakers/ Majica, Sako, Patike Esprit,
Sunglasses & Bag from the local boutique/ Sunčane naočale i Tašna iz lokalnog butika,
Earrings/ Naušnice Avon,
Watch/ Sat Q&Q.


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Lady in grey

I wore/ Nosila sam:

Grey set/ Sivi komplet nije brendiran,
Sunglasses & Shoes from the local boutique/ Sunčane naočale i Cipele iz lokalnog butika,
Shirt/ Košulja Terranova,
Earrings/ Naušnice Avon,
Bracelet/ Narukvica Unicoop home,
Watch/ Sat Q&Q,
Bag/ Tašna Mona.


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My Zaful wishlist

I found this amazing online shop with really great offers. ZAFUL is one-stop online shop for today's most daring exciting and edgy fashion apparel. Their affordable collections are all about redefining trends, design excellence and exceptional quality to satisfy the needs of every aspiring fashionista.
Today I decide to share with you my Zaful wish list. 

Nedavno sam naišla na ovaj web sajt ZAFUL sa veoma zanimljivom odjećom i modnim dodacima po veoma pristupačnim cijenama. Ovaj onlajn šop nudi razne trendi stvarčice izvrsnog dizajna, kojim ćete upotpuniti svaku svoju modnu kombinaciju. Ja ću danas podijeliti sa vama neke stvarčice koje su mi se posebno svidjele.

I chose these items:
Izabrala sam ove komade:

This summer I loved pom pom trend so much and my plan is to wear pom pom this fall as well. When I saw these cuties I put them immediately on my wish list. I love the colors and the fabric, they are very nice for early dry autumn weather.

Ovog ljeta sam obožavala "pom pom" trend tako da planiram da te slatkoće uvrstim i u svoje jesenje kombinacije. Kada sam vidjela ove patikice odmah sam ih izdvojila. Mislim da su zbog materijala i boje odlicne za ranu jesen. Detalje i njihovu cijenu možete vidjeti OVDJE .

The next items I liked are Transparent Rims Butterfly Sunglasses and
Embroidery PU Leather Backpack. I chose these sunglasses because of color and that butterfly shape, it's very chic and trendy. The backpack I absolutely adore, they come in three different colors, this one was the most beautiful for me.

Sljedeće stvarčice koje su mi se svidjele su ove sunčane naočale ( detalji su OVDJE ) svidjele su mi se zbog boje i ovog veoma trendi i šik oblika naočala. Ruksak naprosto obožavam, dolazi u tri različite boje, a meni je najljepši ovaj crveni ( detalji su OVDJE ).
 The last item I found very interesting is Ripped Sweater and Knitted Skirt Twinset
I really love clothes that is unusual and unique, this set is amazing and in my case I would wear it with those cute pompom shoes, red backpack and those sunglasses.I already see myself in this combination.

Poslednje stvarčica koja mi je veoma interesantna jeste ovaj komplet ( detalji su OVDJE ). Volim ovako neobične i unikatne stvari, komplet mi je prelijep. Namjerno sam izdvojila ove komade jer je ovo nešto što bih ja iskombinovala kao jedan jesenji autfit.

What do you think about this fashion combo? How do you like my wish list?
Šta vi mislite o ovoj modnoj kombinaciji? Da li vam se sviđaju komadi koje sam izdvojila?

I hope you enjoy in my Zaful review.
Nadam se da vam se svidio ovaj post.

Make sure to check out ZAFUL ONLINE SHOP maybe you find some interesting pieces for you.
Obavezno posjetite web sajt Zaful OVDJE ,možda nađete neke zanimljive stvarčice za sebe.

My wish list:

Komadi koje sam izdvojila:

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Elegant waistcoat from Dressfo

It is one day to the official beginning of the fall season, that's means it's time for the autumn colors and new fashion post. I recently had the opportunity to order this ELEGANT LAPEL BELTED WAISTCOAT from DRESSFO website.
I found this beautiful piece perfect for this transitional period from summer to fall.

I was pleasantly surprised with quality of this waistcoat. Color is perfect for fall season. I've ordered it in a larger size because I wanted to achieve oversize look.
This piece is amazing for every outfit, you can styled it with jeans, dresses, heels, boots, sneakers, etc. It's really goes with everything.

Today I decide to wear it with my old H&M dress and ankle boots.

Preostao je samo još jedan dan do zvaničnog, kalendarskog početka jeseni što znači da je vrijeme za nove modne kombinacije u jesenjim, tamnijim tonovima.
Nedavno sam imala priliku da naručim ovaj predivni MANTIL sa sajta DRESSFO . Djelovao mi je kao odlican komad za ovaj prelazni period sa ljeta na jesen.

Zaista sam se prijatno iznenadila kvalitetom ovog mantila, boja mi je odlična za jesen. Naručila sam ga u većem broju iz razloga što sam željela da postignem taj komforniji izgled. Ovaj mantil je odličan za svaki autfit, može se nositi sa farmerkama, haljinama, štiklama, čizmama, patikama...stvarno ide uz sve.

Ja sam danas odlučila da ga nosim sa svojom starom haljinom iz H&M-a i gležnjaricama.

I wore/ Nosila sam:

Dress/ Haljina H&M,
Ankle boots/ Gležnjarice Olip shoes shop Gradiška,
Bag/ Tašna Second hand shop,
Sunglasses from the local boutique/ Sunčane naočale iz lokalnog butika,
Choker necklace my design/ Ogrlica moja kreacija,
Watch/ Sat Avon,
Earrings/ Naušnice dm drogerie markt.

Dressfo is shopping website for women. They bring together inspiration and design to empower you to live ultimate urban lifestyle. The Dressfo team is delighted to offer each of their aspirational customers the very best in gorgeous design pieces direct from studio.

Make sure to visit this website HERE you 'll definitely find something interesting for yourself with very affordable prices.

Obavezno posjetite DRESSFO SAJT sigurno ćete pronaći nešto interesantno za sebe po veoma povoljnim cijenama.

I hope you liked my Dressfo review.

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Sunset in my hometown

Top/ Top Azel France,
Pants/ Pantalone Esprit

Sandals from local boutique/ Sandale iz lokalnog butika

Bag/ Tašna Modna kuća Mona,
Ring/ Prsten Zlatara Celje

Bracelet/ Narukvica Unicoop home,
Watch inspired by/ Sat inspirisan Patek Philippe Geneve

Earrings/ Naušnice Avon

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