
Rosegal flower choker

It is all about the details... I think that one beautiful piece of jewelry could perfectly lift all outfit up. Choker necklaces is one of the trends I really liked this season. I purchased this beautiful choker from Rosegal online store recently. The price you can check out here

Sve je u detaljima... Mišljenja sam da određenim komadom nakita zaista možemo podići kompletan autfit. Čoker ogrlice su jedan od trendova koje obožavam ove sezone, a ovaj predivan čoker sam nedavno poručila sa Rosegal sajta. Cijenu možete pogledati ovdje

I wore/ Nosila sam:

Choker necklace/ Čoker ogrlica here/ ovdje,
The whole outfit from/ Kompletan autfit "Azel France",
Bag/ Tašna "Čarapko" Banja Luka,
Leather gloves/ Kožne rukavice "Carmen line" Gradiška.

Rosegal online store/ Rosegal onlaj sajt here/ ovdje.


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  1. Predivan outfit i sjajne fotke! :)

    https://lifella2.blogspot.com/ pratim te, ako želiš uzvrati♥ (novi post)

    1. Hvala puno Jovana, naravno pratimo se.. <3
